11+ Exam Tips For Students To Score Good Marks
Are you a student and you need some tips for your exams? Oh yes, that's what you have come here for.
These are my recommended 11+ exam tips for students to score good marks in exams.
This is very important to score good marks. Read your books very thoroughly and underline or highlight the important points that you come to know. This will help you during the practice leaves of exams as you can then revise the important points that you marked earlier.
When you study, make sure that you are able to fully concentrate and focus as without them, one cannot study. Remove all the objects from your study place which may distract you from studying.
When one study without focus, he easily forgets what he had learnt. So it is necessary to study with focus and concentration.
When you are learning something, first of all understand it clearly, as then you will not have to learn word by word and also, it will help you learn faster.
If you do not understand what you are learning, it is just useless. What is the use if you forget everything after the exam? If you just learn without understanding, you will face problem afterwards.
You have to carefully plan your study schedule when you start studying for exams. First of all, check how much you have to learn and practice and how much time is left for exams. Accordingly, then plan a study schedule in which you can study the syllabus completely.
You may not be studying all the year but tend to study only in the practice leaves. This causes a lot of problem to the students.
This creates tension among the students and disturbes the state of mind of the students. Also, one cannot prepare the whole syllabus within a couple of days.
Healthy food keeps the mind fresh and good. If you eat healthy food, you will be able to learn faster. Also, eating healthy food will prevent you from gettin sick. So it is advised to eat healthy food during exams.
You need not take much pressure to study for exams. That does not mean that you don't have to study at all. Rather you will be able to study better when you don't take any pressure and study with open mind.
During the exam days, you should drink lots of water as it will make you feel good and it will keep you hydrated. Dehydration is a common problem during exams, so you must drink lots of water during exam time.
Also, drinking water prevents headache, which students usually have during exam time.
When you take a break, the brain gets the time to relax and it helps the long term retention of the knowledge. But if you don't take breaks while studying, you are more likely to forget that faster.
Also, taking breaks while studying helps in keeping the mind active and fresh, and prevents the mind from getting bored. Hence you should take regular breaks while studying.
Always leave for the exam centre before time, so that if your time is wasted due to any reason, for example due to excess traffic, even then you will reach the exam centre on time. Reaching exam centre late causes a lot of anxiety, which can badly affect your marks in the exam. So try to reach the exam centre at least 15 minutes earlier.
I mean it. Don't study just minutes before the exam. Instead, relax a bit before the exam, to keep your mind fresh and to prevent any tension or anxiety. If you study just before the exam, you can forget many important things due to anxiety. So it is recommended not to study just minutes before the exam.
As you get the question paper, carefully read it thoroughly and check which in question you have doubt or which you don't know. Then clear the doubt from your teacher or invigilator and leave the question that you do not know for the last.
When you have done all the questions, come to the question that you left. Try to do it and even if you are not able to do it, write at least something related to it, so that you may get at least half or one mark.
These were all my recommended exam tips for students to score good marks. You can follow these tips for your exams, these will surely help you score good marks in exams. Comment below and let me know which exam tip you liked the most. Share this post with your friends and let them know about these tips for exams.
These are my recommended 11+ exam tips for students to score good marks in exams.
1. Read the books thoroughly
This is very important to score good marks. Read your books very thoroughly and underline or highlight the important points that you come to know. This will help you during the practice leaves of exams as you can then revise the important points that you marked earlier.
2. Study with concentration and focus
When you study, make sure that you are able to fully concentrate and focus as without them, one cannot study. Remove all the objects from your study place which may distract you from studying.
When one study without focus, he easily forgets what he had learnt. So it is necessary to study with focus and concentration.
3. Understand before learning
When you are learning something, first of all understand it clearly, as then you will not have to learn word by word and also, it will help you learn faster.
If you do not understand what you are learning, it is just useless. What is the use if you forget everything after the exam? If you just learn without understanding, you will face problem afterwards.
4. Plan your study schedule
You have to carefully plan your study schedule when you start studying for exams. First of all, check how much you have to learn and practice and how much time is left for exams. Accordingly, then plan a study schedule in which you can study the syllabus completely.
5. Don't leave anything for last minute
You may not be studying all the year but tend to study only in the practice leaves. This causes a lot of problem to the students.
This creates tension among the students and disturbes the state of mind of the students. Also, one cannot prepare the whole syllabus within a couple of days.
6. Eat Healthy
Healthy food keeps the mind fresh and good. If you eat healthy food, you will be able to learn faster. Also, eating healthy food will prevent you from gettin sick. So it is advised to eat healthy food during exams.
7. Study without taking pressure
You need not take much pressure to study for exams. That does not mean that you don't have to study at all. Rather you will be able to study better when you don't take any pressure and study with open mind.
8. Water is lifeline
During the exam days, you should drink lots of water as it will make you feel good and it will keep you hydrated. Dehydration is a common problem during exams, so you must drink lots of water during exam time.
Also, drinking water prevents headache, which students usually have during exam time.
9. Take Breaks while studying
When you take a break, the brain gets the time to relax and it helps the long term retention of the knowledge. But if you don't take breaks while studying, you are more likely to forget that faster.
Also, taking breaks while studying helps in keeping the mind active and fresh, and prevents the mind from getting bored. Hence you should take regular breaks while studying.
10. Reach the exam centre before time
Always leave for the exam centre before time, so that if your time is wasted due to any reason, for example due to excess traffic, even then you will reach the exam centre on time. Reaching exam centre late causes a lot of anxiety, which can badly affect your marks in the exam. So try to reach the exam centre at least 15 minutes earlier.
11. Don't study just before the exam
I mean it. Don't study just minutes before the exam. Instead, relax a bit before the exam, to keep your mind fresh and to prevent any tension or anxiety. If you study just before the exam, you can forget many important things due to anxiety. So it is recommended not to study just minutes before the exam.
12. Read the question paper carefully
As you get the question paper, carefully read it thoroughly and check which in question you have doubt or which you don't know. Then clear the doubt from your teacher or invigilator and leave the question that you do not know for the last.
When you have done all the questions, come to the question that you left. Try to do it and even if you are not able to do it, write at least something related to it, so that you may get at least half or one mark.
These were all my recommended exam tips for students to score good marks. You can follow these tips for your exams, these will surely help you score good marks in exams. Comment below and let me know which exam tip you liked the most. Share this post with your friends and let them know about these tips for exams.
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